Eggplant is known to contain a host of phytonutrients and vitamins which have numerous health benefits when regularly consumed. Many of these nutrients are found in the vibrant skin of the Eggplant which is full of fibre, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. Eggplant are known for their egg-like shape and the silky purple skin colour. This delicious vegetable an be cooked in a multitude of ways, try it baked, roasted or char-grilled!

Did you know?

The phytonutrients and vitamins found in the skin of the eggplant are known to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease whilst promoting healthy skin and hair and aid in managing energy levels and cognitive function.

What to look for?

Look for Eggplant that feel dense, with a smooth silky complexion.

Click through to the iNatural blog ‘The Harvest’ for some great Bell Pepper recipes!

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