Garlic is by far the easiest way to add flavour to your meals. It can be consumed raw in dressings and salads or cooked into curries or soups. Garlic has been long known to help fight chest infections, coughs and congestion. Garlic contains huge doses of vitamin C and B6 which help to maintain a healthy immune system and can aid in reducing the effects of cardiovascular disease.

Did you know?

Garlic releases Allicin when chopped or crushed which is responsible for its aroma. Allicin is a sulphuric compound which contains antibacterial qualities. Garlic was prescribed for a wide variety of ailments and during World War 1 soldiers supposedly used crushed Garlic to bind infected wounds suffered on the front line.


Galric is easy to prepare. Remove the paper like outer layer to reveal individual cloves. Peal the outer layer from each clove. Slice, mince or grate Garlic as needed.

Click through to the iNatural blog ‘The Harvest’ for some great Garlic recipes!

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