Our Community Projects

iNatural is a strong believer in businesses championing social responsibility. We leverage our knowledge, staff and resources to improve communities around us. We are also a major of employer of staff in remote areas with over 200 people receiving fair wages.

Some examples of projects we are working on include:

Road Infrastructure


iNatural has partnered with local government departments to improve the quality of roads within remote barangays. This gives locals opportunities to improve access to their land and as such increase opportunities for better farming practices.

Food and Training for Families

We are providing food to a number of schools who’s students are unable to obtain regular meals. It is also our desire to increase the number of schools supported while also providing their families with education on how they can farm their land better. Our hope is that improved farming success for families will improve the overall wellbeing of their communities.

Just Projects International

Just Projects International (JPI) works in some of the hardest places in the world to rescue and rehabilitate kids caught up in violence or human trafficking. iNatural and JPI are partnering on projects to increase business activity within these areas. This helps them to fund the building of schools, promote economic reform and advocate peace.

See more about JPI at http://www.justprojects.org/